Welcome to the homepage of the Nokomis Writing Center!

Greetings fellow writers, and welcome to the Nokomis Writing Center homepage. This space will be used for many things: resources and help for struggling writers; announcements and information regarding the writing center; appointment scheduling; lines of communication for writing coaches. Most of all, this will be a space people at and around Nokomis can use to help them become better writers. After all, this is the main goal of the writing center.

If you have any questions, about anything regarding the writing center or writing in general, please leave a comment under the "Questions?" tab or email the webmaster (that's me!) below.


- - Mr. M


Nokomis Writing Center Student Information Form

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  • Posted by:Ryan

Appointment Calendar

Check out the calendar to see when you can schedule an appointment; look at the open times above to help you decide when to schedule your appointment.



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  • Posted by:Ryan

The writing center will be open...

...period 1, staffed by Hannah Hanson. 

...period 3, staffed by Stephanie Stone, Kelli Sousa, and Sarah Baker.

...period 5, staffed by Amanda Klausing.

...period 6, staffed by Casey Lawrence.

...period 7, staffed by Hannah Hanson.

...period 8, staffed by Casey Lawrence.

...before school by appointment. 

...after school Mondays and Wednesdays by appointment.

...after school Tuesdays and Thursdays, staffed by Hilary Platt and Andrew Braley.

The Writing Center will be closed periods 2 and 4, as well as Fridays after school. 

Please stop by room 107 - Mr. M's room - to make an appointment! 

- - The Writing Center Staff

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  • Posted by:Ryan

The Writing Center Philosophy Statement

Below you will find the credo of the Nokomis Writing Center, the principles that have helped to shape the writing coaches training and that will also help to shape every session held at the writing center.


Writing Center Philosophy Statement

- The goal of the writing center is to create better writers versus polished papers.

- The writing center maintains a hands-off policy.  Writing coaches do not need to touch a paper or mark on it in order for the session to be productive.  Any changes that need to be made should be done by the writer themselves; all final decisions concerning a paper are the writer’s to make, not the coach’s.  

- Writing coaches are there to help students sort out their own ideas.  Goals for the session will be set at the beginning of each session and by the writer themselves.

- The writing center is for everyone, of every level of ability and from any class or subject area. The writing center holds to the philosophy that all writers can improve, regardless of their writing experience or background.  Even the best writers have help. 

- It is okay for writing coaches and students to learn together.  The coaches aren’t perfect or omniscient - if a coach doesn’t know how to answer a question, look it up!  The writing center offers not just knowledgeable writing coaches who will help students, but also the resources to answer any question students might have about writing.

- The writing center is a voluntary service.  Students who use the writing center do so because they want to become better writers, and as such sessions will be collaborative conversations, not forced questions and answers.

- The writing center is not an edit facility.  Coaches and students can work together to “edit” a paper, but students cannot simply drop papers off and expect the coaches to “fix” them for the student.  

- The goal of the writing center is not to get better grades for students, although this is a potential result of using the writing center.  As such, coaches cannot guarantee or predict what type of grade a student might get on a paper, and cannot be held responsible for the grade a student might receive on a paper. 

- Writing coaches will not pit themselves against a teacher or an assignment.  While students and coaches can discuss a teacher’s expectations, a student cannot expect a coach to side against a teacher or use the coach’s opinion about a paper in a discussion with a teacher.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for additions to this philosophy statement, please feel free to leave a comment below. 


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  • Posted by:Ryan